3 BEST House Cleaning Services In Garden Grove Ca December 2024

Following are the list of 3 top rated best House Cleaning Services In Garden Grove Ca, United States as per their rating and reviews on internet.


7291 Garden Grove Boulevard, Suite G, Garden Grove, CA 92841

Services Offering: House, Dust Window Sills, Wall Hangings, Blinds and Ceiling Fans Cleaning, Remove Cobwebs, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, Living Areas and Floors Cleaning, Vacuum Family Room Furniture, Wash Windows Over the Sink, Make Beds & Polish Silver

Rating: 4.7/5 (61) Votes



12381 Arrowhead Street, #18, Stanton, Garden Grove, CA 90680

Services Offering: Housekeeping Service, Interior Refrigerator, Oven, Exterior and Interior Cabinets, Countertops, Empty Trash Bin, Ceiling Fans, Baseboards, Toilet, Tub, Showers, Shower Door, Mirrors, Inside the Windows, Widow Sills, Vacuum and Mop the Floors, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, One Time, Post Construction & Move-In/Out Cleaning

Rating: 4.8/5 (61) Votes



Garden Grove & Surrounding Areas, Garden Grove, CA 92840

Services Offering: Housekeeping and Maid Service, Vacuuming and Mopping Floors, Apartment, Bathroom, Bedroom, Laundry Room, Living Ares, Kitchen, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Detailed, Holiday, Move In/Out, Green & Speciality Cleaning

Rating: 4.9/5 (57) Votes


Total Rating: 4.8/5 (179) Votes

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