3 BEST Indonesian Restaurants In Bedok March 2025

Following are the list of 3 top rated best Indonesian Restaurants In Bedok, Singapore as per their rating and reviews on internet.


907 East Coast Road, #01-02, Singapore 459107

Services Offering: Mie Kersting, Ngo Hiang, Asparagus Soup, Babi Asam Manis D, Seafood, Omelette, Sayuran, Vegetarian Dishes, Roasted Duck, Nasi Campur Babi, Roasted Chicken, Nasi Goreng, Kuey Teow Goreng & Beverages

Rating: 4.7/5 (45) Votes



445 Bedok North Street 1, Djitsun Mall #01-07/08, Singapore 469661

Services Offering: Smashed Fried Chicken, Beef Rendang, Crispy Dancing Fried, Steamed Vegetables and Rice, Crispy Fried Beef, Grilled Tilapia and Boneless Milk Fish, Ikan Pesmol, Gado-Gado, Potato Frikkadel, Fried Rice a la President, Kangkong Belachan, Oxtail Soup, Tahu Telor, Cut Mango with Chili Paste, Iced Chendol, Fried Tofu & Beancake

Rating: 4.7/5 (66) Votes



1 Bedok Rd, #01-17, Bedok Food Centre, Singapore 469572

Services Offering: Lontong and Lontong Kering, Nasi Lemak, Jeganan, Rawon, Sambal Goreng and Ambeng, Ala Carte, Rendang Daging, Ikan Asam Pedas, Ayam Lemak Cili Padi, Sotong Sambal, and Hitam, Ikan Selar, Ikan Potong and, Sayur Sambal Goreng, Urap Tauge, Acar Timun, Lemak Lodeh, Lemak Daun Turi, Potato Wedges, Paru Goreng, Chicken Wing, Paru & Kupang

Rating: 4.8/5 (55) Votes


Total Rating: 4.7/5 (166) Votes

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