3 BEST Gyms In Little India March 2025

Following are the list of 3 top rated best Gyms In Little India, Singapore as per their rating and reviews on internet.


159B, 161B Kitchener Road, Singapore 208531

Services Offering: Personal Training, Muscle Toning and Physique Group Training, Cardio and Strength Training Equipment, Treadmills, Free Weights, Dumbbells, Barbells, Incline/Decline Bench Press, Functional Fitness, Resistance Exercise, Hiit, Power Plates, Squat Racks, Arm Curl, Leg, Shoulder and Chest Press, Lat Pulldown, Lateral Raise Machine & Weightloss Programs

Rating: 4.6/5 (43) Votes



18 Sam Leong Road, Singapore 207909

Services Offering: Functional Workouts, Team Coaching, Circuit, Cardio, Resistance, Weight Loss and High-Intensity Interval Training, Kettlebells, Battle Ropes, Medicine, Bosu and Slam Balls, Flat Benches & Dumbbells

Rating: 4.9/5 (35) Votes



251 Jln Besar, Singapore 208924

Services Offering: Group Exercise Classes, Olympic and Weight Lifting, Deadlift Platform, Personal and High-Intensity Interval Training, Kettlebells, Gymnastics, Pull-Up and Push-Up Bar, Ring Row and Dips, Wall Balls, Amrap Thrusters, Cal Row and Burpee Box Jump Overs, Ahap Sled Pull/Sled Push, Back Squat, Shoulder Press, Power Plates & Dumbbells

Rating: 4.8/5 (31) Votes


Total Rating: 4.8/5 (109) Votes

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